TEPSA pre-presidency Conference (Denmark)

December 2011

From 8th to 9th December 2011, several EXACT fellows attended the TEPSA Danish Pre-Presidency Conference in Copenhagen organised by the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS). The Opening Plenary Session introduced the priorities of the Danish Presidency followed by the Presidency Recommendations by TEPSA.

Main issues were the Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, Differentiated Membership of the EU, the EU Budget: a driver for growth and Europe 2020?, the future of the Euro and the EU and the Arab Spring.

The EXACT researchers Andreas Raspotnik, Marlene Gottwald, Nicole Koenig and James Nyomakwa-Obimpeh wrote the report of the Pre-Presidency Conference.


©  EXACT - Marie Curie ITN on EU External Action
Technische(r) Ansprechpartner(in):
Aline Bartenstein
Wulf Reiners
geändert: 22. February 2012
erstellt: 12. November 2010