Study Trip to Berlin

18. - 21. 01. 2011

In January 2011 the Marie Curie EXACT fellows embarked on a 4-day trip to Berlin. Between the 18th and the 21th of January  the EXACT fellows organized a workshop entitled “CFSP one year after Lisbon” in the framework of Dr. Elfriede Regelsbergers course on "Professional Approaches to Foreign and Security Policy" at the Zentrum für Europäische Poltik.

Subsequently Dr. Anne Faber held a two-day seminar on "Methodological Approaches to Research" at the aforementioned institute. The programme was shaped in such a way as to permit the fellows to meet several influential figures in the sphere of German foreign policy and to visit one of Germany’s most prestigious think tanks: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik.

The final session of Dr. Faber's course concentrated on "general questions and theoretical approaches to EU external action". Just as in the previous sessions individual fellows prepared presentations which summarized the readings they had been allocating and then related these to their PhD research topics.



Study Trip Report


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©  EXACT - Marie Curie ITN on EU External Action
Technische(r) Ansprechpartner(in):
Aline Bartenstein
Wulf Reiners
geändert: 28. March 2011
erstellt: 21. December 2010